Beware of Intimate Neglect

12 11 2007

Beware of Intimate Neglect
Lysol advertisement
Modern Romances, Nov. 1949
Originally uploaded by Paula Wirth

Too Late to Cry Out in Anguish!
Beware the one intimate neglect that can engulf you in marital grief

Those of you who use Lysol disinfectant to clean germs in your bathroom, may be surprised to hear that Lysol was once marketed as a feminine hygiene product. According to Devices and Desires: A History of Contraceptives in America, before contraceptives were readily available, many advertisers took advantage of women’s fears by offering up feminine hygiene products that could kill off “germs” (a euphemism for sperm) while “safeguarding her daintiness” (battling odor).

A woman who used Lysol to insure her personal daintiness was sure to be sweet and fresh, charming, desirable and confident. However, dire consequences awaited the woman who failed to insure her personal cleanliness.

See more Lysol feminine hygiene ads…

Read more about Lysol and other early products used for contraception